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💳 Adding & Editing Payment Methods (Custom Payments) in BillBook

1 min read

BillBook allows businesses to add, edit, and customize payment methods to match their preferred payment options like RazorPay, UPI, Bank Transfer, etc. 🚀💰

📌 Enabling or Disabling Payment Methods for a Business Location #

Go toSettings → Business Locations
✅ Click Edit on the business location you want to configure.
✅ You will see a list of payment methods available.
Check/uncheck the payment methods to enable or disable them for that location.
✅ Click Save 💾

📌 Now, only the selected payment methods will be available during sales.

📝 Editing Custom Payment Labels #

By default, custom payment methods are labeled as “Custom Payment 1”, “Custom Payment 2”, etc. You can rename them based on your preferred payment method.

Go toSettings → Business Settings → Custom Label
✅ Find “Labels for Custom Payments”
✅ Change ‘Custom Payment 1’ to the desired label (e.g., RazorPay, Google Pay, Bank Transfer).
✅ Click Save 💾

📌 Example:
If you want Custom Payment 1 to display as RazorPay, set:

📌 Now, this payment option will appear as RazorPay in the POS screen.

🛒 Using Custom Payments in POS #

Go toPOS Screen
✅ Click on “Multiple Pay” button during checkout.
✅ Select the custom payment method (e.g., RazorPay, UPI, Bank Transfer).
✅ Enter the amount and complete the transaction.

📌 Now, the payment will be recorded using the selected custom payment method!

🚀 Why Use Custom Payment Methods in BillBook? #

Supports multiple payment options for customers 🏦
Allows businesses to customize payment labels for clarity
Enables seamless tracking of different payment types in sales 📊
Improves flexibility in POS transactions 💰

With BillBook’s Custom Payment Methods feature, businesses can accept payments more conveniently and efficiently! 🚀💳

Let me know if you need any refinements! 😊

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